In this game set in the late 19th century, you manage the spy agency of your chosen country. Though your personal goals may be chosen as you wish, the game ends if a World War breaks out, so tread carefully.

Note to players:
Due to an unexpected illness for half the jam period, I have not managed to complete my game, which is closer to a beta or tech demo at this point.
At this point, it is not possible to found your own agency, so only the countries that have historically founded a spy agency at the start of the game (France, Germany, Austria-Hungary) are playable. As the French agency (technically two, but my game just fuses them) was the most expansive as to its field of responsibilities, I recommend playing France.
The number and effect of tasks are extremely limited and partly very bugged. Play with caution! I plan to develop this game further and update it once the rating period is done, so please report any bugs you have found.

Pause/Unpause: Space/Left-click date
Increase/Decrease Speed: Press corresponding button below the date
Navigate menus using the mouse and left mouse button.

Current features:
- wonky coastlines and borders
- ugly art
- the butchering of names by replacing any letters not in the standard ASCII letters

Planned features:
- improve the skills of your spies
- build up your agency and hire and train new spies
- defend against enemy spies
- improve your country economically by performing industrial espionage
- ferret out secrets of foreign diplomats and leaders to have a stash of blackmail at the next conference table
- incite rebellions and secession of minorities in your rivals
- AI in other countries
- log of all known past espionage actions
- historical and/or random alt-history events
- choose a country without an established spy agency and found one yourself
- take over your own legitimate government and form a true shadow government

Will never feature:
- lakes and rivers
- accurate islands
- micro states
- very small exclaves (e.g. British Gibraltar)
- pixel accurate borders and coastlines
- modern politics

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